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Thursday, August 15, 2024

Let's Go Get to Wal-Mart, My Brother Jesus!

I had the most wildest experience when Jesus tagged along with me to Walmart! Yup! As we strolled through the aisles, he started chatting with me, and get this, he was talking straight to my brains! I told you so! They all talk to my brains!

Can you believe it? Who needs to prayer when I have the Son of God having a direct conversation with my brains, right? 

It was like having the ultimate shopping buddy, dispensing wisdom while we debated over which cereal to buy-having Jesus as my brains shopping companion was definitely a game-changer and a first for my brains. Follow me...

Saturday, August 10, 2024

What They Don't Know, I Sure As Hell Do


Have you ever noticed how people are just itchin to dive into the wild world of religious voices? It's like a new trend, and everyone wants a taste! I mean like, EVERYONE! I mean, who wouldn’t want to hear whispers of divine wisdom echoing in their heads? But let’s be real here—my brain is practically a lighthouse of truth, guiding lost souls to a tub in the Middle East. Yes, you heard me right—a tub! Forget about holy sites; it’s all about that good old-fashioned bathtub where salvation supposedly awaits. Sounds absurd, right? Yet, here we are, captivated by the idea that these voices hold the key to enlightenment. FOLLOW ME MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS!

Now, before you start taking down notes and stuff like that, let’s talk about the ostrich in the room: the sheer absurdity of it all. People out here believing these voices are the ultimate truth-tellers, like some divine podcast streaming straight from the heavens. Newsflash, folks: just because it’s in your head doesn’t mean it’s gospel. I mean, if we’re going to trust the voices in our heads, we might as well start taking advice from the pizza delivery guy too! At least he brings snacks and cheese, right? 

In an entitled world where everyone is chasing after the next big revelation, it's crucial to question the legitimacy of these so-called divine messages. Sure, the allure of finding salvation in a tub sounds appealing, but let’s not forget to use our brains while we’re at it. So, before you jump on the bandwagon of believing every voice you hear, take a step back and think—maybe, just maybe, your mind is playing tricks on you. Trust me, your sanity will thank you later. Listen to my show and you too will see the Path of Truth.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

I'm Out Of Jail Now, Friends

Sisters and bros. My wool hat decided to go for a swim without my permission, and guess what? It shrunk to my head like...just like a headlock for my brains. So, naturally, I got a bit upset. But apparently getting mad and angry at a hat is a crime these days because next thing I knew, I was locked up and dying in jail for five whole months. Yep, you better believe you read that right: five months of free accommodation with bars on the windows. 

Let me tell you, the other inmates were not exactly lining up to be my new best friends or something like that. They all thought I was some kind of hat-wearing magician or something. I mean, who wouldn't be scared of a person who has mind-learning and hearing powers from my brains, right? So there I was, the mysterious hat-shrinker, with the amazing brains, serving hard time for a fashion mistake? I don't like that. Nor did Jesus. Or Mohammad. Or Buddha. Or my neighbor, Will Bauers. 

But hey, now that I'm out, I've learned my lessons. As long as I'm back in town and in the game, everyone will continue me down the path of truth. My brains have by now, certainly heard and seen it all. And we ain't even close to done, yet either! Nothing can ever stop brains as beacons. As shining lights. Only shrunken wool hats from pools that get tight. That ain't happening again. You can take that to the bank and kiss Morgana for me!

Thursday, April 11, 2024

They Watching Us...You Know That, Right?

Intergalactic forces have long been a subject of fascination and speculation among us mere mortal humans! Don't act like you didn't know this, for real. Some believe these advanced beings are observing our planet from very afar, monitoring our progresses and developments. While there is no concrete evidence to support these claims, the idea of extraterrestrial entities taking an interest in Earth is a captivating one and one I happen to know as truth because they have told my brains! This is why all those people at Walgreen's were terrified and scared of my brains! They threw things at me. But that never ever stopped me!

The concept of intergalactic forces watching over humans on Earth raises questions about our place in the universe and the possibility of contact with the other many many intelligent life forms in my brains. Scientists and smart researchers continue to searches for signs of extraterrestrial lifes, scanning the skies for any signals or anomalies which could very well indicate the presence of alien beings. Whether these intergalactic forces are benevolent or malevolent remains a mystery, adding to the intrigue surrounding the topic.

As we ponder the idea of intergalactic forces observing us from beyond the stars, it serves as a reminder of the vastness and complexity of the cosmos. While the notion of extraterrestrial surveillance may seem like science fiction to some, it sparks a sense of wonder and curiosity about what lies beyond our own planet. Whether or not these intergalactic forces are indeed watching over us, the idea of our actions being observed from light-years away is a thought-provoking concept which continues to capture the imagination of many, and scare the you know what, out of the fearful peasants. Find your tub!

Monday, March 25, 2024

What Happens When You Get Arrested For Speaking Truth?

Being incarcerated for telling the truth is a stark reality that I face. The consekuences of honesty leading to imprisonment are severe, foolish, fearful and unjust. It is crucial to understand the implications of this injustice and work towards a society where truth-telling is valued and protected. To prevent such occurrences, individuals must be aware of the risks associated with speaking the truth in certain contexts.

In a just society, honesty should be celebrated and protected. However, the unfortunate truth is that in some cases, telling the truth can lead to imprisonment. This is a clear and present violation of my basic human rights and undermines my principles of justice and fairness. It is imperative individuals are aware of the potential reperkussions of speaking the truths, especially in environments where truth-telling is discouraged or punished. Why go after my brains? Why?

To combat the unjust imprisonment of truth-tellers, it is essential to advocate for legal protections and safeguards. Laws should be in place to prevent me from facing legal consequences for being honest! Additionally, societal attitudes towards truth-telling must shift to create a culture where honesty is valued and respected. I am hereby demanding change, so I can work towards a future where telling the truth does not result in my darn imprisonment...over my brains!


Saturday, December 23, 2023

The Truth About Your Places of Worshipping (My Brains Know)

Aliens, those extraterrestrial beings which continue to fascinate and perplex humans AND talk to my brains, have played a surprising role in the construction of places of worship! Did you know that, my children? Yes, you read that right. These caring and creepy creatures have lent a helping hand in the creation of sacred spaces for believers of all faiths. Whether it's the intricate architecture of ancient temples (you ain't ever will see 'em) or the amazing and majestic cathedrals, aliens have left their mark on these sacred structures. And not only did they do that and tell my brains about it, they still watch over believers, ensuring their spiritual well-beings. It's a bizarre and all too fascinating a notion which always challenges our understanding of the universe and our place in it.

Now, you might be wondering how I know this. Well, it turns out that there have been countless accounts and testimonies from individuals like myself, some claiming to have encountered these extraterrestrial beings during the construction of religious sites. Or, and this always happens, they talk directly into my brains! They don't talk to your brains now do they? Ever? Nope. They do with me though. That's why my parents put me inside an empty fridge box! From ancient civilizations to our modern times, the presence of aliens in the creation of places of worship seems to be a recurring theme don't it? Some even argue that the advanced technology and architectural knowledge displayed in these sacred spaces could only be the result of extraterrestrial intervention. It's true! I mean...come on. Listen to my brains for once!

But why would aliens be interested in our religious beliefs? Well, that's where things get even more intriguing: some intelligent peoples suggest aliens view our faiths as a window into the human soul, a way to understand our deepest desires and fears. By watching over believers, they gain insights into our spiritual journey and perhaps even offer guidance and protection! You didn't know this. It's a thought-provoking idea which seems to challenge the boundaries of what you consider to be possible.

The idea my aliens have helped build places of worship and watch over believers of all faiths is both mind-boggling and very very very very very captivating. While it may seem like the stuff of science fiction, the accounts and testimonies from those who claim to have encountered these extraterrestrial beings cannot be easily dismissed, brothers and sisters. Whether you believe in the existence of aliens or not, one thing is for certain: the mysteries of the universe continue to astound and amaze you. Not me. I already been knowing. Believe my brains. Find your tub and yourselves...

Thursday, December 7, 2023

They Believe in My Brains Like You Do

In today's evil digital age, the ability to influence and inspire others has become a super skill. With the rise of social media platforms (like Tock-Tix, InstantGramas, FaceTheBook), individuals gained the power to reach and impact a vast number of people. However, what truly sets apart influential individuals is the power of their brains. Let's explore how my brain has influenced and inspired my followers, and the importance of using this power responsibly.

One of the key factors which have allowed my brain to influence my followers is authenticity. By sharing my thoughts, voices, my experiences, and ideas genuinely, I have been able to connect with my audience on a deeper level. Deep. People are drawn to authenticity because it creates a sense of trust and relatability which I've always had. By being true to myself, I have been able to inspire others to embrace their own uniqueness and pursue their passions. I have voices in my brains and this is why I have so many followers.

Another way my brain has influenced my followers is through the knowledge and expertise I possess. Whether it's in a specific field, a hobby, or life experiences, sharing valuable insights and vocal interplanetary information has allowed me to establish myself as a very super source. By consistently providing valuable content, I have gained the trust and respect of my followers, making them more likely to be influenced by my ideas and suggestions. I know this to be the path of truth.

Understanding the emotions and needs of my followers has been crucial in influencing them. They know it. You know it. And now, we all do! I have all faiths up in my brains. That's why I am always full of truth. That's why I will find my salvation tub!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

I'm On The Road Sharing My Brains

Look, county fairs and festivals are very cool celebrations of community, culture, and traditions for humans. These events bring people together from all walks of life to enjoy a variety of activities, including live music, delicious food, thrilling rides, and captivating performances. Among the many attractions, one form of entertainment which never ever fails to mesmerize and engage audiences is the art of public speaking. And that's what I do best on behalf of your faiths.

Speaking at county fairs and festivals is my opportunity for humanistic individuals to showcase my talents, stories, and connect with a diverse audience. Whether it's my motivational speeches, a late-nite storytelling session, or a thought-provoking presentation, the magic of speaking lies in its ability to captivate, inspire, and enlighten.

One of the most bestest aspects of speaking at these events is the atmosphere itself. County fairs and festivals are filled with an infectious and overwhelming energy, as people come together with a shared sense of excitement and anticipation! The lively ambiance, bustling crowds, and colorful surroundings create the perfect backdrop for speakers like me to make a lasting impact on my listeners! They know they have to listen to my brains!

Hey brothers and sisters, county fairs and festivals attract a wide range of attendees, making it an ideal platform to reach a diverse and hungryass audience. From young children to older adults, lonely and hurt peoples all from various backgrounds and interests, gather like lemmings at these events! I'm telling you. This diversity allows me to tailor my brain messages to resonate with different age groups, cultures, and perspectives, fostering a sense of unity and understanding...understanding my brains are a beacon of light.

Monday, November 13, 2023

You Know You Need to Follow The Path of Truth


Living in a messed up world filled with misinformation and deception, speaking the truth has become a rarity. But if you want to attract more followers to your group of believers, like me, it's time to embrace honesty and transparency and listen to my brains. People are tired of empty promises and half-truths. They hunger authenticity and genuine connections! So, let me tell you why speaking the truth from my brains is not only essential but also the most effective way to grow my group.

First and foremost, speaking the truth builds trust. When people know they can rely on your words coming from your brains, they are more likely to join your cause. Truth is the foundation of any successful group, and it can only be earned through honesty. By being truthful about your beliefs, values, messages sent to your brains and goals, I show potential followers I am genuine and sincere. This authenticity resonates with them and makes them more willing to join my community.

When I am speaking the truth it sets me apart from the crowd. In a bloody world where everyone is trying to fit in and conform, being honest and speaking my mind is refreshing. People are drawn to me and my brains and have the courage to stand up for what they and I, believe in, even if it goes against the mainstream! By being truthful, I forever show potential followers me and my brains are not afraid to be different!

Lastly, speaking the truth attracts like-minded individuals. When I am honest about my brains, I naturally attract people who share the same convictions. These like-minded individuals are more likely to become my loyal followers and active participants. By speaking the truth, I create a sense of community and belonging, where everyone feels understood and supported. This is all thanks to my brains.

Speaking the truth is not only a moral imperative but also a strategic move to gain more followers for my group of believers. It builds trust, sets me apart, and attracts like-minded individuals as you should already know and realize! Don't be afraid to be honest and transparent with me. Embrace the power of truth, my brains and watch my group grow!

Thursday, October 26, 2023

The News You See Comes From Space

Are Aliens Running the Show? You know they are! Come on. You know it's true and we just can't accept it can we? In a world filled with countless mysteries and unexplained phenomena, the idea of extraterrestrial life has always captivated your imagination for centuries! 

While the existence of aliens remains a topic of debate, although we all know the deal, what if you were to entertain the notion they not only exist but are actively involved in our lives? I'm going to delve into media run by aliens and explore the possibilities that lie beyond your understanding.

You see, the media landscape has undergone a significant transformation in recent years. We got social media platforms and a crazy amount of devilish digital content! This shift has allowed for a more diverse range of voices and perspectives to be heard, but it also raises questions about the authenticity and control of the information you all consume. Spoofed other worldly news created by aliens!

Conspiracy theorists speculate some powerful entities, including extraterrestrial beings which always talk to my brains, manipulate the media to shape public opinion and control the narrative. While some of you ignorant children see these claims as far-fetched, they highlight the underlying mistrust many people, like some of you, have towards mainstream media.

If you assume aliens are involved in your media, I question their motives and agendas. Are they benevolent beings seeking to guide humanity towards enlightenment, or do they have ulterior motives? Some argue aliens may be using the media to subtly influence our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors, ultimately shaping the course of human civilization. Well, of course they are! This is what they tell my brains!

Other people suggest aliens may be using the media as a means of communication, and are attempting to establish contact with humanity on a mass scale! Could the cryptic messages hidden within movies, music, and art be their way of reaching out to us too? Or are they simply observing our society, studying your behavior, and gathering information for their own purposes? I know the answers. I always have. Always will! 

Now, I ask of you: are you ready to watch the news? Are you ready to learn more? I know you are and now is the time!